About Our Neighborhood Groups

Neighborhood Groups are the heart of the American Sewing Guild (ASG), bringing together sewing enthusiasts in local communities to share their passion, skills, and creativity. These groups offer a welcoming environment for members to connect, learn, and inspire one another through various activities and events.

In addition to our local neighborhood groups, there are also some groups who meet virtually hosted by other chapters.

blue and white buttons with blue and red buttons
blue and white buttons with blue and red buttons



Local Neighborhood Groups



Second Thursday of the month

September through May, with occasional summer programs

9:30 am - 11:00 am

Contact: Margee margeeab@gmail.com

Examples of past programs:

5-10 Minute Quilt Blocks

Matchstick Quilting

Bleeding Tissue Silk Scarf

Sewing carry bags for the Days for Girls charity

a group of ladies sitting around a table sewing
a group of ladies sitting around a table sewing


Second Saturday of the month

Noon - 5:00 pm

Contact: Melissa melissa@the-sewingcircle.com

Are you interested in updating your wardrobe? Join us to learn more about garment sewing, embellishing, and adding extra details to make your garment special.

Location: The Sewing Circle

4112 S. College Ave., Fort Collins

(Between Hobby Lobby and Chili House on S. College Ave.)

Sit & Stitch

Fourth Friday of the month

9:30 am - 11:30 am

Contact: Sally saln44@hotmail.com

Do you enjoy sitting and stitching? Embroidery, needlepoint, knit or crochet? Garment embellishment? Beading? Ribbon Embroidery? Mending? Then this group is for you!

Location: Harmony Library, Fort Collins